A new approach to notating beatbox vocal percussion in line with traditional staff notation

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Beatbox Code Loop Builder: Using (e) Half-Beats

Choose a harmonised melody track from below, then compose your accompanying beatbox loop using eighth note (half-beat) inputs in the white boxes underneath the staff. Note: if a sound is not entered correctly as it appears on the right, it will not play!

[(e) ;(e) ;(e) ;(e) ;(e) ;(e) ;(e) ;(e) ;]
Choose a melody:
Melody volume:

Copy and save your loop in a pastable weblink, or clear all beats to create a new loop.

Sound Codes Library (Stage 1)

Following IPA (International Phoentic Alphabet) guidelines, the below text codes assign a first set of vocal articulations used by beatbox artists.

Voiced Bass Tone Articulations

Bilabial (two lips) with a puff of air forced through, pitch indicated in braces { } preceeding the articulation

Bilabial (two lips) with no designated pitch

Voiceless Articulations

Bilabial (two lips)

Alveolar Fricative (tongue blade on teeth ridge + forward forced air)

Alveolar Lateral Click (tongue blade on teeth ridge + side forced click)

Velar (back of tongue + soft palate)

Neutral open puff of air

Reverse 'f' effect, to replenish air